
2024-03-02 责任编辑:皇族DJ学院 人气:1392

Where are you? Let me see your hands 
followed the DJ followed the b followed MC followed me 
now everybody the moment you'll be waiting for 
I the microphone quiet word 
let go worries make trouble better song in the word c 
I'll ready for the wrecking b 
I'll ready for the jump come on baby, play with me.
Let bud w IM g Bang the Bang, 
the dawn empty king Kong 
I'm sure I still I was shing girl. 

Hey, the party is only just beginning. 
I want to enjoy dancing and play with me.
Are you fucking ready to join the party?
She what guy and James music has won free tonight? 
You like to play mason fucking noise.
Turn the party on. Party next door.
Do what you like to do for feeding for posts with tonight. 
Win give you power.
Be yourself. Be yourself. 
I want to be a dream person. 
Show international passion. 
I want to b the whole thing.
Next we're going down the whole thing. 
Let city begin to kind. Now gym nine,
let's get drink with music. 
Let's play games together. 
I see to today my friends 
that not to harm me trouble. 

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