
2024-01-16 责任编辑:皇族DJ学院 人气:1884

You know what to do. 
You know what to do. 
You can do everything 
you can do everything. 
Keep going,
keep going. 
What's got to do. 
What's got to do, 
just ready, keep real. 
Keep real down up.
How are you feeling tonight? 
How you feeling tonight? 
You're the best. 
You're the best.
Come on, come on here 
come on, come on here. 
I know I can I know I can 
listen up
listen up 
be wanna be be be 
hey your hom what tribal 
hey your hom what tribal 
put your head down 
put your head down 
in the house 
in the house
party ten 
party ten 
my boy my home in my city 
my boy my home in my city 
today crazy 
today crazy.

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